Customer Attributes Releases

v1.2.0 (Magento v2.3.x)
Released on 2021-10-26
Release notes:
- Added more validate rule
- Added DateTime field
- Fixed minor bugs
v4.1.0 (Magento v2.4.x)
Released on 2021-10-26
Release notes:
- Added more validate rule
- Added DateTime field
- Compatible with Magento 2.4.3
- Fixed minor bugs
v4.0.3 (Magento v2.4.x)
Released on 2021-07-09
Release notes:
- Compatible with Company Account & Customer Approval attributes
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.1.3 (Magento v2.3.x)
Released on 2021-07-09
Release notes:
- Compatible with Magento 2.3.7
- Compatible with Company Account & Customer Approval attributes
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.1.2 (Magento v2.3.x)
Released on 2021-05-07
Release notes:
- Compatible with Magento 2.3.6
- Fixed error with rest API & GraphQl
- Fixed minor bugs
v4.0.2 (Magento v2.4.x)
Released on 2021-05-07
Release notes:
- Compatible with Magento 2.4.2
- Fixer error backend checkout with file
- Fixed minor bugs
v4.0.1 (Magento v2.4.x)
Released on 2021-04-20
Release notes:
- Fixed EQP
v4.0.0 (Magento v2.4.x)
Released on 2021-04-02
Release notes:
- Supported Magento v2.4
v1.1.1 (Magento v2.3.x)
Released on 2020-10-13
Release notes:
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.1.0 (Magento v2.3.x)
Released on 2020-08-14
Release notes:
- Supported Rest API
- Compatible with Magento v2.3.5
- Improved security & performance
- Fixed uploading file error
- Fixed other minor bugs
v1.0.4 (Magento v2.3.x)
Released on 2020-06-26
Release notes:
- Compatible with Magento v2.3.4
- Compatible with Mageplaza Order Attributes
- Compatible with Mageplaza One Step Checkout
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.0.3 (Magento v2.3.x)
Released on 2020-02-19
Release notes:
- Fixed default value error while placing backend order
- Compatible/fixed error with Mageplaza One Step Checkout
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.0.2 (Magento v2.3.x)
Released on 2019-08-30
Release notes:
- Compatible with Magento 2.3
- Improved code style & performance
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.0.1 (Magento v2.3.x)
Released on 2019-01-16
Release notes:
Fixed compile error on Magento 2.1.x
v1.0.0 (Magento v2.3.x)
Released on 2019-01-07
Release notes:
Initial Release