September 2021: Mageplaza Extensions Releases

Thank you for seamlessly supporting and trusting in Mageplaza. It’s our big honor to serve you on our store. We are striving every day to bring you better service and products.
In September 2021, we released 16 updated extension(s). Please read the following information to learn what we’ve worked on this month.
16 Update(s) in September 2021
1. SEO
Date: 2021-09-14
Release notes:
- Compatible with Mageplaza Shop By Brand
- Fixed minor bugs
2. Google XML Sitemap
Date: 2021-09-14
Release notes:
- Fixed minor bugs
3. Multi Flat Rates
Date: 2021-09-20
Release notes:
- Fixed minor bugs
4. Abandoned Cart Email
Date: 2021-09-21
Release notes:
- added send reminder email to guest
5. Daily Deal
Date: 2021-09-20
Release notes:
- Fixed minor bugs
Date: 2021-09-22
Release notes:
- Update Sync, Date time and
- Sync type: customers/orders/subscribers/everything
- Choose what to sync: all/new object only
- Days : Lifetime/90/1 Year/ 2 Year/ Choose Date Range
- Improve connection send: Order count, Ace count, Contact count
- Fix some minor bugs
7. Reports
Date: 2021-09-13
Release notes:
- Fixed minor bugs
8. Reward Points
Date: 2021-09-14
Release notes:
- Added allow spending points for Coupon Code
- Added sell product by points or price
- Added spending points when creating order in admin
- Added points allocation action for behavior rule
- Compatible with Magento v2.3.7
- Fixed minor bugs
9. Order Export
Date: 2021-09-07
Release notes:
- Fixed minor bugs
10. Order Attributes
Date: 2021-09-20
Release notes:
- Compatible with Magento 2.4.3
- Fixed minor bugs
11. Extra Fee
Date: 2021-09-14
Release notes:
- Compatible with Magento v2.4.2-p1 & v2.4.3
- Fixed minor bugs
12. Who Viewed This Also Viewed
Date: 2021-09-20
Release notes:
- Fixed minor bugs
13. Countdown Timer
Date: 2021-09-20
Release notes:
- Fixed minor bugs
14. Stripe
Date: 2021-09-20
Release notes:
- Fixed minor bugs
15. Customer Approval
Date: 2021-09-23
Release notes:
- Compatible with Magento 2.4.3
- Fixed minor bugs
16. Lookbook
Date: 2021-09-20
Release notes:
- Fixed minor bugs
Let’s look forward to our upcoming projects in October 2021.
Feel free to ask us questions via the chatbox. If you have technical issues, search for solutions or submit a ticket here.